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適用課程︰IGCSE, IB, HKDSE 資歷 Qualifications - 英國劍橋大學碩士 (優異) Postgraduate from the University of Cambridge (Merit) - 香港中文大學英文系一級榮譽畢業,連續四年被選入院長名單 English Major graduating with First-Class Honours from the
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關於導師 本人畢業於East Carolina University之小提琴演奏和鈴木教學法碩士學位。本人於19歲開始學習小提琴, 先後於美國Augustana College修讀學士學位, 師隨Christian Zamora(南達科他州交響樂團的前副首席小提琴手)。隨後於東卡羅萊納州大學完成碩士學位,師隨Hye-Jin Kim。同時亦於Joanne Bath之指導下完成了鈴木教學法的導師訓練課
M音樂 / 教學進修Mr. Cheng

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Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

Hong Kong's vocal coach to the stars works with both beginner and professional singers to improve vocal strength.
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All lessons take place in my home at Tai Kok Tsui, in a specially allocated room designed to motivate, inspire, and stimulate young minds. I have a BA (Hons) degree in English with Psychology & TEFL

Miss Kong以最優秀成績(Dean's List) 修畢香港中文大學音樂文學碩士。 她熱衷學習,先後跟隨著名鋼琴家朱珊珊及李健博士習琴,亦先後兩次到波蘭華沙蕭邦音樂學院作短期交流,並跟隨Prof. Maria Szraiber學習,並得到極高評價。她已有廿四年豐富的教學經驗,並擔任英國皇家音樂學院樂器考試傳譯員十六年。近年,她更多次被邀請前往廣東省不同城市舉行師資培訓及諮詢講座。

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